Our Approach
AAL-WELL is based on a critique that much of the AAL research to date has been driven by technological agendas and a “silo” mentality towards the development of ICT-based solutions. This has been a major factor in limiting the practical outcomes, as systems and devices are often poorly aligned with the needs, preferences and wishes of end-users. To address this, AAL-WELL adopts a user-driven research approach throughout. Within AAL-WELL, the heterogeneity of older people, specifically those with MCI, will be explored through a systematic program of user-driven research that will inform the specification of requirements, development of prototypes, evaluation of the usability, usefulness and acceptability of the technology and visualize and map out AAL solutions.
This proposal outlines an ambitious yet achievable research program over a three-year period. Our plan involves an integrated set of Workpackages (WPs) that will focus on completing the primary and secondary objectives of the project and on completing a complementary set of cross-cutting initiatives (CCs).
This proposal outlines an ambitious yet achievable research program over a three-year period. Our plan involves an integrated set of Workpackages (WPs) that will focus on completing the primary and secondary objectives of the project and on completing a complementary set of cross-cutting initiatives (CCs).